Course Outcomes (COs):
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: |
Approach in teaching: Regular contact with Supervisor |
Viva, Presentation |
CO 193: Develop responses on the basis of the evaluation and undertake analysis. CO 194: Apply knowledge and understanding in relation to the chosen topic of research |
Learning activities for the students: Presentations, Review of Literature, SPSS practice in Lab |
CO 195: Communicate in written form by integrating, analysing and applying key texts and practices. |
Guidelines: The Dissertation work enable participants to develop knowledge and understanding of a specialist area within the broad field of Human Resource Management. Each student will carry forward the research work on the synopsis prepared in semester III and complete the dissertation work under the supervision of a dissertation guide.
Students are required to meet their supervisors for guidance and devote 4 hours per week other than Lab sessions provided to them on regular basis.
After the data collection process is over, 30 hours Lab sessions will be available to the students for completion of their report under the supervision of a faculty to complete the following-
Data Compilation- Compiling data in excel, importing to SPSS, Data |
Cleaning and summarizing |
Data Analysis using SPSS |
· Carol M. Roberts, The Dissertation Journey: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, writing and defending your dissertation, Sage Publications
· [2] e24986974.html
· Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies
· Vikalpa: Journal for Decision Makers