Action learning: Venture Establishment

Paper Code: 
MIV 426
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objective: The aim of the course is to enhance participants' understanding of the role of the entrepreneur in the new venture creation process and to motivate the students in the context of forming new ventures.

Course outcomes: On completion of this paper/course students will-



Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

MIV 426

Action learning: Venture Establishment


CO 175: Develop capabilities to recognise, assess and articulate new venture opportunities

CO 176: To understand the resources required to underpin venture development and growth; and know from where and how to access these resources.

CO 177: To develop a greater awareness of their personal goals, motivations, strengths and limitations in the context of venture creation and growth.

CO 178: Develop a  framework of  new venture and to initiate the process of new enterprise  registration

Approach in teaching:

Support throughout by mentor, incubation and accelerator

Learning activities for the students:

Real Time Venture Establishment and Management in Incubation/Acceleration Unit: Action Based Learning on establish enterprise> venture registration

Presentation, Individual and group, Report, viva- voce, Evaluation of the plan proposal


Unit I: 


Work Outline:

In this Action Learning Program, the student will establish a venture either in self or with the support of incubation unit based on the innovation and business model developed as a part of the capstone projects. It is expected that the student will register a start- up and start building the enterprise with support from incubator/ accelerator.

The enterprise can be established by one student with members from outside or by a group of students from the same batch with complimentary expertise.

The students  be evaluated on the basis of  the presentation of their business model to a panel of experts and investors on a demo day.