The objective of this course is to understand basic concept of Export Finance because export finance plays important role in the socio-economic prosperity of the country.
Meaning, Methods, Procedures, Difference between Pre-shipment and Post shipment finance, Deferred Credit
Factors affecting export Payment, Methods of Payment-Payment in advance, Open account, consignment stock Payment, Letter of Credit-Types, Parties, Procedures, Documentary Bills-Documents against acceptance(D/A), Documents against Payments (D/P), Difference between (D/P) and (D/A).
Meaning, Procedure, Exchange regulations relating to Import Finance, Documentary Credit
Rediscounting of Export Bills, Role of Acceptance House and Discount House.
Meaning, Features, Objectives, Methods.
Introduction, Exchange Rate Quotations, Methods of quotations
Exchange Rates, Flexible Exchange Rates, , Exchange Rate Classification, Favorable and Unfavorable Exchange Rates , Arbritage
1. MJ Mathew,”RiskManagement and Insurance”,RBSA Publications,Jaipur.
2. Neelam C.Gulati,”Principles of Insurance Management”,Excel Books.
1. Cherunilm: International Business
2. Karam Pal,B.S.Bodla,M.C.Garg,”Insurance Management:Principles & Practices,Deep& Deep Publications.